Wellness & Fitness Center LLC
Your Health is your Best Investment!
Join us Saturday January 26th from 1-4 PM at First
Presbyterian Church in Jackson for a Healthy Cooking class.
Leslie will talk about:
Current nutritional trends
Diets Facts and fictions
Proper portion size
Making healthy meals
Making healthy snacks
This will be both lecture and hands on!
Cost is $30 and covers all supplies.
Pre-registration is required
Go to and click on Calendar Search:
Share your choice of events with Leslie for advice on the best training strategies.
Exercise improves your
stress tolerance
Check the Specials page for current deals....
Volunteers are needed for the next "Queen for the Day"/Heroes event
@ Mott's Children's Hospital in the Pediatric Oncology unit
(7th floor) Massage Therapists & Cosmetologists for the parents...
Persons who love children & would read,
do/teach crafts/paint nails are needed for the guests of honor!
Please contact Sgt Jeremy James for more information & to sign up!
(248) 345-4189-cell
Keep moving!
Women In Motion offers walk/run training sessions for women at all levels of fitness.
Check their web site for details.
Check out the upcoming Women's Expo:
American 1 Credit Union's Spring Women's Expo!
Saturday, March 9th 2019
Parkside Middle School
Jackson Michigan
Races/sporting Events:
Girls on the Run
Central 5K
Saturday May 11th
Rolling Hills County Park
7660 Stony Creek Rd, Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Check out their site for more information and maps to the event! See you there!
Special Events